Carlisle Building Envelope Representative


CSL Announcements and Updates

CSL Materials Welcomes Scotty Adams, Territory Sales Representative in Arkansas




October 26, 2022 (McKinney, TX) ­– CSL Materials is pleased to announce the hiring of Scotty Adams in the role of Territory Sales Representative in Arkansas. 

Scotty is tasked with managing and supporting our Carlisle Authorized Applicators, distribution partners, and specifiers for the Arkansas market. 

Scotty is based in Northwest Arkansas where he resides with his family in Prairie Grove.  Over the last decade, he has worked in outside sales and business development, and most recently as a Project Manager and Estimator.  This knowledge and experience will enable Scotty to continue training on our portfolio of commercial roofing products, and also to serve as an immediate asset to our network of partners in the Arkansas market. 

Scotty can be reached at:

Cell: (501) 410-4157


Scotty is the latest addition to CSL’s newly formed Central Region, which includes Arkansas, Oklahoma, West Tennessee, and Northern Mississippi.  He will report to Vice President, Daniel Stockton.  “Scotty brings a ton of energy and excitement to the team, and I am confident his experience and work ethic are going to be highly valuable to our core customers in Arkansas.”

“While our business continues to evolve and grow, we will invest in the future of our organization to help best serve our partners and customers,” says Chad Lesher, President of CSL Materials. “Please join me in congratulating Scotty in his new role.”

For additional information about CSL Materials, the markets we serve, and the products we represent, visit


CSL Materials